Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • "Agreement": These Terms and Conditions, together with the registration form and any other documents referred to within these Terms     and Conditions.
  • "Parent": The individual who registers the student for services provided by Spark Academy and is responsible for payment of fees.
  • "Student": The child or young person receiving tutoring services from Spark Academy.
  • "Services": The tutoring services provided by Spark Academy, including online tutoring, in-person tutoring, and hybrid     tutoring.
  • "Spark Academy": CRT Enterprises Ltd trading as Spark Academy.
  • "Fees": The charges payable by the Parent for the provision of Services as set out in the Agreement.
  • "Enrolment Fee": The annual fee charged to cover the setup costs of registration.
  • "Flexible Plan": A payment plan with a minimum commitment of three months, thereafter, rolling monthly with a 30-day notice period for     cancellation.
  • "Annual Plan": A payment plan committing to 12 months of Services with no cancellation option within this period.
  • "Online Tutoring": Tutoring services delivered via the internet over 47 weeks per year.
  • "In-person Tutoring": Tutoring services delivered face-to-face over 38 weeks per year.
  • "Hybrid Tutoring": A combination of online and in-person tutoring services.

2. Company Information

SPARK ACADEMY is operated under CRT Enterprises Limited, registered in England and Wales. The company registration number is 08451292, and the registered office is at CRT House, 176Melton Road, Leicester, LE4 5EE. The registered VAT number is 193433107.

You can contact Spark Academy by:

  • Telephoning: 0116 266 5920
  • Writing to: Spark Academy, CRT House, 176 Melton Road, Belgrave, Leicester, LE4 5EE
  • Emailing: admin@spark-academy.co.uk

Spark Academy will contact the Parent by telephone or in writing at the email address or postal address provided on the registration form.


3. Agreement Overview

By enrolling a Student in Spark Academy, the Parent agrees to these Terms and Conditions, which form a binding Agreement between the Parent and Spark Academy. This Agreement outlines the rights and obligations of both parties concerning the provision of tutoring services.

The Services provided by Spark Academy are tailored to support and enhance the Student’s educational needs through various modes of tutoring. By accepting this Agreement, the Parent confirms they understand and agree to the fee structure, payment schedules, and cancellation policies associated with the chosen tutoring service.

The Agreement is effective from the date of enrolment and continues until terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

4. Services Offered

Spark Academy offers three types of tutoring services to cater to the diverse needs of students:

4.1.1 Spark Tribe -Affordable Online Group Tutoring

  • Spark Tribe is designed to provide affordable online group tutoring with larger classes.
  • Monthly payments are kept low to ensure accessibility for all students.
  • Timetabled lessons are set for students to attend as they wish, running from Monday to Thursday from 5:40 pm to 8:00     pm. Times and schedules can vary.
  • Students benefit from interactive group sessions, fostering collaboration and peer learning.
  • As part of the package, students enrolled in Spark Tribe have access to the Spark Learning platform, which includes lesson content, videos, and course materials to support their learning journey.

4.1.2 Spark 1:1 OnlineTutoring

  • Spark 1:1 online tutoring offers personalised one-on-one sessions where students are matched with professional tutors.
  • This option provides flexibility and mutual collaboration between the student and tutor.
  • Sessions are tailored to the individual student's needs and learning goals, ensuring targeted support and     progress.
  • As part of the package, students enrolled in Spark 1:1 online tutoring also have access to the Spark Learning platform,     enhancing their learning experience with additional resources and materials.

Both Spark Tribe and Spark1:1 online tutoring aim to provide high-quality education and support students in achieving their academic objectives in an online learning environment with the added benefit of the Spark Learning platform.

4.2 In-Person Tutoring

Spark Academy's in-person tutoring offers structured face-to-face lessons at designated locations over 38weeks per year. In addition to the comprehensive support provided during tutoring sessions, students also benefit from access to the Century Tech platform.

  • Structured Lessons: In-person tutoring sessions are conducted by     experienced tutors, providing students with personalised support and     guidance tailored to their learning needs.
  • Hands-On Activities: Students engage in hands-on activities and     interactive learning experiences designed to reinforce key concepts and     enhance understanding.
  • Direct Interaction with Tutors: Our tutors foster a supportive learning     environment, encouraging active participation and addressing individual     questions and concerns.
  • Access to Century Tech: As part of their subscription, students     enrolled in in-person tutoring have access to the Century Tech platform     throughout their time with Spark Academy. Century Tech is an innovative     online learning platform (https://www.century.tech/) that offers a wide range of interactive     resources, homework assignments, and assessments to supplement their     in-person learning experience. Students can access personalised learning     pathways, receive instant feedback on their progress, and access     additional support materials to reinforce their learning outside of     tutoring sessions.

Spark Academy's in-persontutoring programme, combined with access to the Century Tech platform, providesstudents with a comprehensive educational experience aimed at fosteringacademic success and personal growth.


4.3 Hybrid Tutoring

Spark Academy's HybridTutoring combines both in-person and online tutoring, providing students withflexible and comprehensive support.

  • Flexible Learning: Students benefit from both in-person and     online tutoring sessions.
  • In-Person Sessions: Students attend face-to-face tutoring     sessions held at designated locations over 38 weeks per year.
  • Online Sessions: Students also participate in online tutoring     sessions over 47 weeks per year, accessible from anywhere with an internet     connection.
  • Integrated Learning Experience: The hybrid model seamlessly integrates both     in-person and online components, offering continuous support tailored to     students' needs.
  • Access to Resources: Students enrolled in hybrid tutoring have     access to the Century Tech platform and the Spark Learning platform,     providing a range of interactive materials and support resources.

Spark Academy's HybridTutoring programme aims to provide students with flexible and effectivelearning opportunities to support their academic progress and growth.

5. Registration andEnrolment

5.1 Registration Process

  • To enrol a student at Spark Academy, the Parent     must complete the online registration form available on the Spark Academy     website or at the designated office.
  • The registration form requires essential     information about the Student, including contact details, educational     background, and any relevant medical information.
  • A non-refundable annual enrolment fee is     charged to cover the setup and administrative costs (only for in-person or     hybrid).

5.2 Annual Enrolment Fee

  • The annual enrolment fee is required to secure     the Student’s place at Spark Academy.
  • This fee covers administrative costs associated     with the registration process, including setting up accounts, initial     assessments, and access to learning resources.
  • The enrolment fee is payable at the time of     registration and is not refundable under any circumstances.

6. Fees and PaymentTerms

6.1 Online Tutoring Fees

  • Parents opting for online tutoring will be     charged a monthly subscription fee, which is payable in advance via a     recurring payment setup using a credit or debit card.
  • The monthly fee covers all online tutoring     sessions scheduled for that month, irrespective of attendance.
  • All subscription fees shall be debited on the     1st day of every month. If a student commences their subscription     mid-month, a pro-rata payment shall be debited as the initial payment,     covering the cost for the weeks remaining until the subsequent month's     subscription cycle commences on the 1st day of the following month.


6.2 In-Person and HybridTutoring Fees

  • For in-person and hybrid tutoring, Parents can     choose between two payment plans:some text
    • Annual Plan: This plan offers a discounted rate, requiring a commitment for      12 months. The annual fee is calculated based on 38 weeks of tutoring      spread over 12 months for ease of billing. There is no option for      cancellation within this 12-month period.
    • Flexible Plan: This plan requires a minimum commitment of      three months, after which it transitions to a rolling monthly agreement.      Parents must provide 30 days' notice for cancellation after the initial      three-month period. This notice must be given in writing.

6.3 Payment Methods

  • Fees can be paid via credit or with debit card     subscription.
  • Payments are due on the first day of each month     for monthly plans and on the agreed date for annual plans.


7. Charges for OverdueFees

In the event of non-paymentor late payment of any fees owed to Spark Academy, the Parent shall be liablefor additional charges and consequences as outlined below:

  • Late Payment Charge: Spark Academy reserves the right to impose a     late payment charge on any outstanding fees not settled by the due date.     This charge will accrue daily at a rate of 4% above the NatWest bank base     rate, in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest)     Act 1998, plus an additional £25 for every failed collection attempt.
  • Administrative Costs: Spark Academy reserves the right to recover     any reasonable administrative costs incurred because of pursuing overdue     fees. These costs may include, but are not limited to, debt recovery fees,     legal fees, and court costs, in line with the Civil Procedure Rules.
  • Suspension of Services: Failure to settle outstanding fees within the     specified timeframe may result in the suspension of tutoring services     until such fees are fully paid. Spark Academy shall not be liable for any     consequences arising from the suspension of services due to non-payment,     as per the terms outlined in the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
  • Interest Charges: The Centre reserves the right to charge     interest, calculated daily, on Fees which have not been received at a rate     of 4% above the NatWest bank base rate, as stipulated by the Late Payment     of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
  • Debt Collection: Should payment remain outstanding despite     reasonable attempts to recover the debt, Spark Academy reserves the right     to engage third-party debt collection agencies or take legal action to     recover the outstanding amounts, in accordance with the Practice Direction     on Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols. Any costs incurred in the process of     debt collection, including the cost of court processes, shall be borne by     the Parent and/or Payer, as per the Civil Procedure Rules.

It is the responsibility ofthe Parent to ensure timely payment of all fees to avoid the imposition ofadditional charges and potential disruption to tutoring services.


8. Right to CancelWithin 14 Days

In accordance with theConsumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges)Regulations 2013, the Parent has the right to cancel the agreement within 14days of enrolment without providing any reason.

Cancellation Procedure:

  • To exercise the right to cancel, the Parent     must notify Spark Academy of their decision to cancel the agreement by a     clear statement. This notification can be provided by email to admin@spark-academy.co.uk .
  • The cancellation period will expire after 14     days from the date of enrolment. If the agreement is cancelled within this     period.

Exceptions to the Rightto Cancel:

  • The right to cancel does not apply if the     tutoring services have been fully performed by Spark Academy at the     request of the Parent before the end of the cancellation period. In such     cases, the Parent shall not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid for     the services provided.

Effects of Cancellation:

  • In the event of cancellation, any materials     provided to the Student in connection with the tutoring services must be     returned to Spark Academy in good condition at the Parent's expense.
  • Should the Parent request to begin Spark     Academy’s services during the 14-day cancellation period and subsequently     the Parent decides to cancel the contract, they will be liable to pay an     amount which is a percentage of what services Spark Academy have given. If     Spark Academy has provided 1 weeks’ worth of services, then the Parent     will pay one quarter (25%) of the monthly membership price. If the Parent     cancels after 2 weeks’ worth of services, then they will pay half (50%) of     the monthly membership price.

Notice of Right toCancel:

  • Spark Academy shall provide the Parent with a     notice of their right to cancel, including the cancellation form, at the     time of enrolment. This notice shall be provided in a durable medium and     shall clearly and prominently state the cancellation rights and procedures     available to the Parent.


9. General CancellationTerms

9.1 Cancellation by theParent

  • The Parent may cancel the tutoring services     provided by Spark Academy at any time after the initial 14-day     cancellation period, subject to the terms outlined below.

9.2 Notice Period

  • To cancel the tutoring services, the Parent     must provide written notice to Spark Academy, specifying the intended date     of cancellation. The notice period shall be 30 days from the date of     receipt of the written notice by Spark Academy.

9.3 Effect ofCancellation

  • Upon cancellation of the tutoring services, the     Parent shall remain liable for any outstanding fees owed to Spark Academy     up to the effective date of cancellation. Such fees shall be payable in     accordance with the terms outlined in Section 6 (Fees and Payment Terms).

9.4 Cancellation Termsfor Different Plans

  • Annual (12 Month) Plan: If the Parent cancels the Annual Plan before     the expiry of the 12-month commitment period, they shall remain liable for     payment of the full annual fee. No refunds shall be provided for early     cancellation of the Annual Plan.
  • Flexible Plan: The Flexible Plan requires a minimum commitment of three months,     after which it transitions to a rolling monthly agreement. Parents must     provide 30 days' notice for cancellation after the initial three-month     period. Cancellation within the 12-month commitment period shall incur     payment of the remaining fees for the minimum term specified.
  • 30-Day Subscription for Online Group Tutoring: Parents opting for the 30-day subscription     for online group tutoring may cancel their subscription at any time with     30 days' notice. The notice period commences from the date of the     subscription and must be provided in writing. The Parent remains liable     for payment of the total contractual amount during the notice period, and     no refunds shall be given if the Student does not attend lessons in the     notice period.
  • Online 1:1 Tutoring: Block Sessions: For Online 1:1     Tutoring, Parents must pay for blocks of 10 sessions in advance. Upon     cancellation of the tutoring services, any unused sessions within a paid     block shall not be refunded.

9.5 Refund Policy

  • If the Parent cancels the contract within the     time period stipulated in this agreement, Spark Academy will make the     repayment (if any) to the Parent without any undue delay, no later than 14     days after the day in which the Parent communicates in writing that they     want to cancel the contract. Repayment will be made using the same means     of payment as the Parent used for the initial transaction, unless they     have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, the Parent will not incur     any fees as a result of the reimbursement.

9.6 Notice of PaymentFailure

  • Spark Academy reserves the right to cancel and     stop the Student’s course with immediate effect should a monthly payment     remain outstanding for longer than 5 days.


10. Refunds

10.1 Eligibility for Refunds

  • Refunds shall be issued in accordance with the     terms outlined in this section, subject to the conditions specified     herein.

10.2 Refund Policy

  • Spark Academy operates a refund policy in     compliance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and other relevant consumer     protection legislation.
  • Refunds shall not be provided in the following     circumstances:some text
    • Cancellation After Cooling Off Period: If the Parent cancels the agreement after      the 14-day cooling off period as stipulated in Section 8 (Right to Cancel      Within 14 Days), Spark Academy shall not provide refunds for the portion      of services used. The Parent shall be liable to pay for any services      provided up to the date of cancellation.
    • Cancellation of Annual Plan: No refunds shall be provided for early      cancellation of the Annual Plan, as outlined in Section 9.4 (Cancellation      Terms for Different Plans).
    • Unused Block Sessions: For Online 1:1 Tutoring, if the Parent      cancels the tutoring services and there are unused sessions within a paid      block of sessions, no refunds shall be issued for the unused sessions.      The Parent shall be liable to pay for the sessions used up to the date of      cancellation.
    • Missed Lessons: Spark Academy offers no refunds for missed      lessons and is not responsible for any missed lessons. Lessons are attended      at the Parent’s and Pupil’s discretion. However, Spark Academy will      always provide the Pupil with the work missed through the e-learning      platform. The Pupil can watch a live online class recording, help videos,      and complete the work on the e-learning platform.


10.3 Exclusion of Pupil

  • The Pupil may be excluded for a fixed period of     time and/or permanently excluded for: some text
    • A breach of Spark Academy Rules;
    • Non-payment of Fees; or
    • If, in the Director’s considered opinion, the      Parent’s or Pupil’s behaviour is unreasonable and is likely to adversely      affect the Pupil or other Pupils or staff at the Centre, or to bring the      Centre into disrepute.
  • Such Fixed Period or Permanent Exclusion will     be in accordance with the Centre’s published procedure, a copy of which     can be obtained from the Centre office.
  • In all cases of Fixed Period Exclusion, full     Fees will remain payable for the period in which it occurs.
  • In all cases of Permanent Exclusion, full Fees     are due for the whole contract, irrespective of the period in which the     permanent exclusion occurred, due to the cost that Spark Academy has been     put to.
  • A Pupil who has been withdrawn, excluded,     suspended, or expelled from the Centre has no right to enter any Centre     premises without the prior written permission of the Director.

10.4 Refund Process

  • Requests for refunds must be submitted in     writing to Spark Academy, specifying the reason for the refund request and     providing any supporting documentation, where applicable.
  • Spark Academy shall review refund requests within     a reasonable timeframe and notify the Parent of the outcome of the     request.
  • Approved refunds shall be processed without     undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which Spark Academy     confirms the approval of the refund request.
  • Refunds shall be made using the same means of     payment as the Parent used for the initial transaction, unless they have     expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, the Parent will not incur any     fees because of the reimbursement.

10.5 Dispute Resolution

  • In the event of any disputes regarding refund     eligibility, the refund process, service interruptions, or Force Majeure     Events, the parties shall endeavour to resolve the matter amicably through     informal negotiation and discussion.
  • If a resolution cannot be reached through     negotiation, either party may seek mediation or other alternative dispute     resolution mechanisms to resolve the dispute in accordance with applicable     laws and regulations.


11. ServiceInterruptions, Force Majeure, and Dispute Resolution

11.1 ServiceInterruptions

  • Spark Academy endeavours to provide     uninterrupted tutoring services to Parents and Students. However, there     may be instances where services are interrupted due to factors beyond     Spark Academy's control.
  • In the event of service interruptions, Spark     Academy shall make reasonable efforts to notify Parents and Students     promptly and provide updates on the expected duration of the interruption.

11.2 Force Majeure

  • Spark Academy shall not be liable for any     failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this     agreement if such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond its     reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, natural     disasters, war, terrorism, strikes, lockouts, pandemics, governmental     restrictions, or any other similar events ("Force Majeure     Event").
  • In the event of a Force Majeure Event, Spark     Academy shall be excused from performance of its obligations to the extent     affected by the Force Majeure Event, and the time for performance of such     obligations shall be extended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event.     During such time, no refunds shall be provided to Parents or Students.


11.3 Remedies

  • In the event of a service interruption or Force     Majeure Event, Spark Academy shall endeavour to resume normal operations     as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • Where feasible, Spark Academy may offer     alternative arrangements or rescheduling of tutoring sessions to mitigate     the impact of the interruption on Parents and Students.

11.4 Dispute Resolution

  • In the event of any disputes regarding refund     eligibility, the refund process, service interruptions, or Force Majeure     Events, the parties shall endeavour to resolve the matter amicably through     informal negotiation and discussion.
  • If a resolution cannot be reached through     negotiation, either party may seek mediation or other alternative dispute     resolution mechanisms to resolve the dispute in accordance with applicable     laws and regulations.

11.5 Communication

  • Spark Academy shall communicate any service     interruptions or Force Majeure Events to Parents and Students through the     contact details provided by the Parent on the registration form, or     through any other means deemed appropriate by Spark Academy.

11.6 No Liability DuringForce Majeure Events

  • During periods of service interruptions or     Force Majeure Events, Spark Academy shall not be liable for any losses,     damages, or expenses incurred by Parents or Students, and no refunds shall     be provided for the duration of such events.


12. Responsibilities of Parents,Guardians, and Students

12.1 Supervision andConduct

  • Parents or legal guardians are responsible for     supervising their child's participation in Spark Academy's tutoring     services, whether online or in-person.
  • Parents or legal guardians shall ensure that     their child conducts themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner     during tutoring sessions, adhering to any codes of conduct or behavioural     expectations outlined by Spark Academy.

12.2 Attendance andPunctuality

  • Parents or legal guardians shall ensure that     their child attends tutoring sessions punctually and regularly, as per the     agreed schedule and timetable.
  • Any absences or late arrivals should be     communicated to Spark Academy in advance, where possible, to minimise     disruption to the learning process.

12.3 Participation andEngagement

  • Parents or legal guardians shall encourage     their child to actively participate and engage in tutoring sessions,     completing assigned tasks, and seeking clarification on any concepts or     topics they may not understand.
  • Parents or legal guardians shall support their     child in utilising Spark Academy's e-learning platform and resources to     supplement their learning outside of scheduled tutoring sessions.

12.4 Communication

  • Parents or legal guardians shall maintain open     and effective communication with Spark Academy regarding their child's     progress, any concerns or challenges they may be facing, and any changes     to their contact information or availability.
  • Any communication with Spark Academy should be     conducted in a professional and respectful manner, whether in-person, via     telephone, or through electronic means.

12.5 Compliance withPolicies and Procedures

  • Parents or legal guardians shall familiarise     themselves and ensure their child's compliance with Spark Academy's     policies and procedures, including but not limited to those related to     data protection, health and safety, and acceptable use of technology.
  • Any questions or concerns regarding Spark     Academy's policies and procedures should be addressed to Spark Academy's     designated representative for clarification or resolution.

12.6 Collaboration withSpark Academy

  • Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to     collaborate with Spark Academy in supporting their child's educational     journey, providing feedback, and working together to address any     challenges or areas for improvement.
  • Spark Academy values the partnership between     parents, guardians, and tutors in fostering a positive and productive     learning environment for the benefit of the child.

13. Medical Information

13.1 Disclosure ofMedical Conditions

  • Parents or legal guardians are obligated to     disclose any pertinent medical conditions, allergies, or special     requirements concerning their child's health and well-being to Spark     Academy prior to the commencement of tutoring services.
  • This information must be provided accurately     and comprehensively to ensure that Spark Academy can make requisite     accommodations and arrangements to support the child's needs during     tutoring sessions.

13.2 Confidentiality andData Protection

  • Spark Academy shall treat all medical     information provided by Parents or legal guardians with the utmost     confidentiality and in compliance with the General Data Protection     Regulation (GDPR) and other pertinent data protection legislation.
  • Medical information shall solely be utilised     for the purpose of facilitating the child's participation in tutoring     sessions and ensuring their health and safety whilst under the care of     Spark Academy.

13.3 Consent forEmergency Treatment

  • Parents or legal guardians hereby grant consent     to Spark Academy for seeking emergency medical treatment for their child     in the event of an accident, injury, or medical emergency occurring during     tutoring sessions, where it is deemed necessary and appropriate by Spark     Academy's staff or tutors.
  • Spark Academy shall exert reasonable efforts to     notify Parents or legal guardians in such circumstances, unless immediate     medical attention is imperative to ensure the child's health and     well-being.

13.4 Notification ofChanges

  • Parents or legal guardians are obligated to     expeditiously notify Spark Academy of any alterations to their child's     medical condition, allergies, or special requirements that may impact     their participation in tutoring sessions or necessitate adjustments to the     support provided by Spark Academy.
  • Spark Academy shall update the child's medical     records correspondingly and undertake necessary measures to accommodate     any alterations in the child's health status.

13.5 Indemnification

  • Parents or legal guardians shall indemnify and     hold harmless Spark Academy, its staff, tutors, and representatives from     any claims, liabilities, or damages arising out of the provision of     emergency medical treatment to their child, provided that such treatment     was administered in good faith and in accordance with reasonable standards     of care.


14. Complaints Procedure

14.1 Lodging a Complaint

  • Parents or legal guardians who wish to lodge a     complaint regarding any aspect of Spark Academy's tutoring services must     do so in writing to admin@spark-academy.co.uk.
  • Complaints should include details such as the     nature of the complaint, relevant dates, names of individuals involved,     and any supporting evidence or documentation.

14.2 Investigation andResolution

  • Upon receipt of a complaint, Spark Academy's     complaints handler shall promptly acknowledge receipt and initiate an     investigation into the matter.
  • The complaints handler shall endeavour to     conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, gathering relevant     information and interviewing relevant parties as necessary.



14.3 Resolution andRedress

  • Spark Academy shall aim to resolve complaints     in a timely and satisfactory manner, taking appropriate remedial action     where necessary to address the concerns raised by the complainant.
  • Where applicable, Spark Academy may offer     redress to the complainant, which may include but is not limited to     apologies, refunds, or adjustments to the tutoring services provided.

14.4 Escalation

  • If the complainant is dissatisfied with the     outcome of Spark Academy's internal complaints procedure, they may     escalate the matter to an external dispute resolution mechanism, such as     mediation or arbitration, in accordance with applicable laws and     regulations.
  • Spark Academy shall cooperate fully with any     external dispute resolution process and abide by any decisions or     recommendations made by the mediator or arbitrator.

14.5 Record Keeping

  • Spark Academy shall maintain detailed records     of all complaints received, including the nature of the complaint, steps     taken to investigate and resolve the complaint, and any outcomes or     actions taken as a result.
  • These records shall be retained in accordance     with Spark Academy's data retention policies and may be subject to review     by relevant regulatory authorities or external auditors.

14.6 Compliance

  • Spark Academy is committed to complying with     all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards pertaining to     complaints handling and dispute resolution, including but not limited to     the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Alternative Dispute Resolution for     Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations     2015.
  • Spark Academy shall review and update its     complaints handling procedures regularly to ensure ongoing compliance and     effectiveness in addressing complaints raised by Parents or legal     guardians.


15. Pupil Property

15.1 Responsibility forPersonal Property

  • Spark Academy shall not be held liable for any     loss, damage, or theft of personal property belonging to Students,     including but not limited to electronic devices, textbooks, stationery, or     other personal belongings brought to tutoring sessions.
  • Students are responsible for safeguarding their     personal property and should take appropriate measures to secure their     belongings during tutoring sessions.

15.2 Use of SparkAcademy's Resources

  • Students are permitted to use Spark Academy's     resources, materials, and equipment provided during tutoring sessions for     educational purposes only and in accordance with Spark Academy's usage     policies.
  • Any misuse or unauthorised use of Spark     Academy's resources may result in disciplinary action, including but not     limited to suspension or termination of tutoring services.

15.3 Reporting Loss orDamage

  • Students who experience loss or damage to their     personal property during tutoring sessions should report the incident     promptly to Spark Academy's staff or tutors.
  • Spark Academy shall assist Students in     documenting and investigating any incidents of loss or damage to personal     property to the extent feasible but shall not be held liable for such loss     or damage.

15.4 Liability Waiver

  • By participating in Spark Academy's tutoring     services, Students and their Parents or legal guardians acknowledge and     accept the risks associated with bringing personal property to tutoring     sessions, and hereby waive any claims against Spark Academy arising out of     loss, damage, or theft of personal property.
  • This liability waiver shall be binding and     enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.5 Insurance

  • Spark Academy recommends that Students and     their Parents or legal guardians consider obtaining appropriate insurance     coverage to protect against loss, damage, or theft of personal property     occurring during tutoring sessions.
  • Spark Academy shall not be responsible for     procuring or maintaining insurance coverage on behalf of Students or their     Parents or legal guardians.


16. Data Protection andGDPR

16.1 Compliance withData Protection Laws

  • Spark Academy is committed to complying with     all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the General     Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018, and any     other relevant legislation concerning the processing of personal data.

16.2 Collection and Useof Personal Data

  • Spark Academy collects and processes personal     data provided by Parents or legal guardians for the purposes of     facilitating the provision of tutoring services, managing enrolments,     communicating with Parents or legal guardians, and ensuring the health,     safety, and welfare of Students.
  • Personal data may include but is not limited to     names, contact information, educational background, medical information,     and any other information necessary for the provision of tutoring     services.

16.3 Lawful Basis forProcessing

  • Spark Academy processes personal data on the     lawful basis of consent, contractual necessity, compliance with legal     obligations, and legitimate interests pursued by Spark Academy or a third     party.
  • Parents or legal guardians provide consent for     the processing of personal data when enrolling their child in Spark     Academy's tutoring services and agree to the terms of Spark Academy's     Privacy Policy.

16.4 Data Security andConfidentiality

  • Spark Academy implements appropriate technical     and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of     personal data, including encryption, access controls, and regular security     assessments.
  • Personal data is only accessible to authorised     personnel who require access for legitimate purposes and is not disclosed     to third parties without lawful justification.

16.5 Rights of DataSubjects

  • Parents or legal guardians and Students have     rights under data protection laws, including the right to access, rectify,     erase, restrict processing, and object to the processing of their personal     data.
  • Requests to exercise data subject rights should     be submitted to Spark Academy in writing, and Spark Academy shall respond     to such requests in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

16.6 Data Retention

  • Spark Academy retains personal data for as long     as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, including     legal, regulatory, accounting, and operational requirements.
  • Personal data shall be securely disposed of     when it is no longer needed, in accordance with Spark Academy's data     retention policies and procedures.

16.7 International DataTransfers

  • Spark Academy may transfer personal data to     third-party service providers or affiliates located outside the European     Economic Area (EEA) where necessary for the provision of tutoring     services.
  • Prior to making any such transfers, Spark     Academy shall ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect     the security and confidentiality of personal data in accordance with     applicable data protection laws and regulations.


17. Marketing andPhotography Consent

17.1 Consent atRegistration

  • During the registration process, Parents or     legal guardians will be given the option to provide consent for Spark     Academy to take photographs and videos of their child during tutoring     sessions, activities, and events for the purposes of marketing,     advertising, and promotional materials, both online and offline.
  • Consent for photography and videography is     collected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)     and the Data Protection Act 2018.

17.2 Opting In

  • By opting in at registration, Parents or legal     guardians agree to allow Spark Academy to use photographs and videos of     their child for the aforementioned purposes.
  • The consent form provided during registration     will clearly outline how the photographs and videos will be used and     Parents or legal guardians will have the opportunity to agree to or     decline this consent.

17.3 Changing ConsentPreferences

  • Parents or legal guardians who wish to change their     consent preferences after registration, including opting out of     photography and videography, must notify Spark Academy in writing by     emailing admin@spark-academy.co.uk .
  • Upon receipt of an opt-out notice, Spark     Academy shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the Student is not     included in any future photographs or videos intended for marketing or     promotional purposes.

17.4 Use of PersonalInformation for Marketing

  • Spark Academy may use personal information,     including names, contact details, and email addresses, to send marketing     communications, newsletters, and promotional offers to Parents or legal     guardians who have opted in to receive such communications.
  • Parents or legal guardians have the right to     opt-out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the     unsubscribe link in the emails or by contacting Spark Academy directly.

17.5 Third-PartyMarketing

  • Spark Academy shall not share personal     information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without     obtaining explicit consent from Parents or legal guardians.

17.6 Testimonials andReviews

  • Spark Academy may request testimonials and     reviews from Parents or legal guardians about their experience with Spark     Academy's services. These testimonials and reviews may be used for     marketing and promotional purposes.
  • By providing testimonials and reviews, Parents     or legal guardians grant Spark Academy the right to use their comments,     names, and any other accompanying personal information in marketing     materials, unless they specify otherwise.

17.7 Withdrawal ofConsent

  • Parents or legal guardians may withdraw their     consent for the use of photographs, videos, and personal information for     marketing purposes at any time by notifying Spark Academy in writing to admin@spark-academy.co.uk .
  • Upon receipt of a withdrawal of consent, Spark     Academy shall cease using the specified materials for marketing purposes     and shall remove them from future publications, where practicable.

17.8 Data Protection andPrivacy

  • Spark Academy shall handle all personal     information collected for marketing and promotional purposes in accordance     with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data     Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Spark Academy's Privacy Policy outlines the     manner in which personal information is collected, used, and protected,     and is available on the Spark Academy website.


18. Licence to Use theWebsite and E-Learning Platform

18.1 Grant of Licence

  • Spark Academy grants Parents and Students a     non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to access and use the     Spark Academy website and e-learning platform for the purpose of     participating in the tutoring services provided by Spark Academy.

18.2 Permitted Use

  • The Spark Academy website and e-learning     platform may be used solely for educational purposes related to the     tutoring services. Parents and Students agree to use the platform in     accordance with Spark Academy’s terms of use, policies, and guidelines.

18.3 ProhibitedActivities

  • Parents and Students are prohibited from:some text
    • Copying, distributing, or disclosing any part      of the website or e-learning platform in any medium, including without      limitation by any automated or non-automated “scraping”.
    • Using any automated system, including without      limitation “robots”, “spiders”, “offline readers”, etc., to access the      website or e-learning platform in a manner that sends more request      messages to Spark Academy’s servers than a human can reasonably produce      in the same period of time by using a conventional on-line web browser.
    • Transmitting spam, chain letters, or other      unsolicited email.
    • Attempting to interfere with, compromise the      system integrity or security, or decipher any transmissions to or from      the servers running the website or e-learning platform.
    • Taking any action that imposes, or may impose      at Spark Academy’s sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately      large load on the website or e-learning platform infrastructure.
    • Uploading invalid data, viruses, worms, or      other software agents through the website or e-learning platform.
    • Collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable      information, including account names, from the website or e-learning      platform.
    • Using the website or e-learning platform for      any commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Spark      Academy.
    • Impersonating another person or otherwise misrepresenting      your affiliation with a person or entity, conducting fraud, hiding or      attempting to hide your identity.
    • Interfering with the proper working of the      website or e-learning platform.
    • Accessing any content on the website or      e-learning platform through any technology or means other than those      provided or authorized by Spark Academy.

18.4 User Content

  • Parents and Students may be permitted to submit     content to the website or e-learning platform, such as homework     assignments, discussion posts, and other educational materials ("User     Content"). By submitting User Content, Parents and Students grant     Spark Academy a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use,     copy, reproduce, process, adapt, publish, transmit, host, and display such     content for the purposes of providing the tutoring services.

18.5 IntellectualProperty

  • All intellectual property rights in the website     and e-learning platform, including but not limited to copyrights,     trademarks, trade secrets, and patents, are owned by or licensed to Spark     Academy. Nothing in these terms grants Parents or Students any rights to     use any of Spark Academy’s intellectual property, except as expressly     provided in this licence.

18.6 Termination ofLicence

  • Spark Academy reserves the right to terminate     or suspend access to the website and e-learning platform at any time,     without notice, for conduct that Spark Academy believes violates these     terms, is harmful to other users of the website or e-learning platform, or     is otherwise harmful to Spark Academy or its interests.

18.7 Disclaimer ofWarranties

  • The website and e-learning platform are     provided “as is” and “as available”. Spark Academy makes no     representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding     the website or e-learning platform, including but not limited to     warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,     non-infringement, or course of performance.

18.8 Limitation ofLiability

  • To the maximum extent permitted by law, Spark     Academy shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special,     consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues,     whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use,     goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (a) your use or     inability to use the website or e-learning platform; (b) any unauthorised     access to or use of our servers and/or any personal information stored     therein; (c) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the     website or e-learning platform; (d) any bugs, viruses, trojans, or the     like that may be transmitted to or through the website or e-learning     platform by any third party; (e) any errors or omissions in any content or     for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content     posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the     website or e-learning platform; and/or (f) the defamatory, offensive, or     illegal conduct of any third party.


19. Damage to SparkAcademy Property

19.1 Responsibility forDamage

  • Parents or legal guardians shall be held financially     responsible for any damage caused by their child to Spark Academy's     property, including but not limited to furniture, equipment, learning     materials, and facilities.

19.2 Reporting Damage

  • Any damage to Spark Academy property caused by     a Student must be reported immediately to Spark Academy staff or tutors.     The report should include details of the incident and the nature of the     damage.

19.3 Assessment ofDamage

  • Upon receiving a report of damage, Spark     Academy shall conduct an assessment to determine the extent of the damage     and the cost of repairs or replacement. This assessment shall be carried     out promptly and accurately to ensure fairness.

19.4 Liability for Costs

  • Parents or legal guardians shall be liable for     the costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged property. Spark     Academy shall provide an itemized statement of the costs incurred, which     shall be payable by the Parent or legal guardian within 30 days of     receipt.

19.5 Dispute Resolution

  • In the event of a dispute regarding the     assessment of damage or the costs incurred, the parties shall endeavour to     resolve the matter amicably through informal negotiation and discussion.
  • If a resolution cannot be reached through     negotiation, either party may seek mediation or other alternative dispute     resolution mechanisms to resolve the dispute in accordance with applicable     laws and regulations.

19.6 Consequences ofNon-Payment

  • Failure to pay for damages within the specified     timeframe may result in the suspension of tutoring services until payment     is received. Spark Academy reserves the right to take legal action to     recover the costs if necessary.

19.7 Exclusion forRepeated Offenses

  • In cases where a Student repeatedly causes     damage to Spark Academy property, Spark Academy reserves the right to     exclude the Student from tutoring services. Such exclusion shall be in     accordance with Spark Academy's published procedures, and the Parent or     legal guardian shall remain liable for any outstanding fees and costs.

19.8 Preventive Measures

  • Spark Academy shall take reasonable measures to     maintain a safe and secure environment to minimize the risk of damage to     property. This includes providing clear guidelines on the appropriate use     of facilities and equipment and supervising Students during tutoring     sessions.

20. Health and Safety

20.1 Compliance withHealth and Safety Regulations

  • Spark Academy is committed to providing a safe     and healthy environment for Students, staff, and visitors. All activities     and operations shall comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act     1974 and other relevant health and safety legislation.

20.2 Responsibilities ofSpark Academy

  • Spark Academy shall implement and maintain     appropriate health and safety policies and procedures, including risk     assessments, to ensure the safety and well-being of Students during     tutoring sessions and related activities.
  • Spark Academy shall provide training and     guidance to staff and tutors on health and safety practices and ensure     that all facilities and equipment are regularly inspected and maintained     in a safe condition.

20.3 Responsibilities ofParents and Students

  • Parents or legal guardians are responsible for     ensuring that their child understands and adheres to Spark Academy's     health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Students must follow all health and safety     instructions provided by Spark Academy staff and tutors and report any     health and safety concerns or incidents immediately.



20.4 EmergencyProcedures

  • Spark Academy shall establish and communicate     clear emergency procedures, including evacuation plans, to be followed in     the event of a fire, medical emergency, or other critical incident.
  • Parents or legal guardians shall ensure that     their child is familiar with these emergency procedures and knows how to     respond appropriately.

20.5 First Aid andMedical Assistance

  • Spark Academy shall ensure that qualified first     aid personnel are available during tutoring sessions and that first aid     supplies are accessible.
  • In the event of a medical emergency, Spark     Academy shall take appropriate action to provide immediate assistance and,     if necessary, contact emergency medical services.

20.6 Reporting andRecording Incidents

  • All accidents, injuries, and incidents     occurring during tutoring sessions or on Spark Academy premises must be     reported promptly to Spark Academy staff.
  • Spark Academy shall maintain accurate records     of all reported incidents, including details of the incident, actions     taken, and any follow-up measures implemented to prevent recurrence.

20.7 Infectious Diseasesand Public Health

  • Spark Academy shall follow guidelines and     directives issued by public health authorities regarding the prevention     and control of infectious diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19.
  • Parents or legal guardians must inform Spark     Academy if their child has been diagnosed with or exposed to an infectious     disease and follow any recommended isolation or quarantine measures.

20.8 Health and SafetyReviews

  • Spark Academy shall conduct regular reviews of     its health and safety policies, procedures, and practices to ensure     ongoing compliance with legal requirements and best practices.
  • Any changes to health and safety policies or     procedures shall be communicated to Parents, legal guardians, and Students     in a timely manner.


21. Safeguarding andChild Protection

21.1 Commitment toSafeguarding

  • Spark Academy is committed to ensuring the     safety and well-being of all Students and has established safeguarding and     child protection policies in accordance with the Children Act 1989, the     Children Act 2004, and the statutory guidance set out in "Keeping     Children Safe in Education."

21.2 Responsibilities ofSpark Academy

  • Spark Academy shall appoint a Designated     Safeguarding Lead (DSL) responsible for overseeing safeguarding and child     protection matters, providing guidance and support to staff, and ensuring     compliance with safeguarding policies.
  • All staff and tutors at Spark Academy shall     undergo regular safeguarding training and are required to adhere to the     safeguarding and child protection policies at all times.

21.3 Reporting Concerns

  • Any concerns regarding the safety or well-being     of a Student must be reported immediately to the Designated Safeguarding     Lead. This includes concerns about potential abuse, neglect, exploitation,     or any other safeguarding issues.
  • Spark Academy shall have clear procedures in     place for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns, ensuring that     all reports are taken seriously and acted upon promptly.

21.4 Confidentiality andInformation Sharing

  • Spark Academy shall handle all safeguarding     concerns with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with data     protection laws. Information shall only be shared with relevant     authorities and individuals on a need-to-know basis to protect the safety     and well-being of the Student.

21.5 Parental Involvement

  • Parents or legal guardians shall be informed of     any safeguarding concerns involving their child, unless doing so would put     the child at further risk of harm.
  • Spark Academy encourages open communication     with Parents or legal guardians regarding any safeguarding issues and     works collaboratively to ensure the safety of the Student.

21.6 External Agencies

  • Spark Academy shall cooperate fully with     external agencies, including social services, the police, and other child     protection organizations, in the investigation and resolution of     safeguarding concerns.

21.7 Online Safety

  • Spark Academy recognizes the importance of     online safety and has established policies and procedures to protect     Students while using the e-learning platform and other online resources.
  • Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to     monitor their child's online activities and ensure they understand safe     online practices.

21.8 Regular Review

  • Spark Academy shall conduct regular reviews of     its safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures to ensure     ongoing compliance with legal requirements and best practices.
  • Any changes to safeguarding policies or     procedures shall be communicated to Parents, legal guardians, and Students     in a timely manner.


22. Equal Opportunitiesand Inclusion

22.1 Commitment toEquality and Inclusion

  • Spark Academy is committed to promoting     equality and inclusion and ensuring that all Students, Parents, and staff     are treated fairly and with respect, in accordance with the Equality Act     2010.

22.2 Non-DiscriminationPolicy

  • Spark Academy does not discriminate on the     basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation,     disability, religion or belief, age, or any other protected     characteristic.
  • All Students shall have equal access to the     tutoring services, resources, and opportunities provided by Spark Academy.

22.3 ReasonableAdjustments

  • Spark Academy shall make reasonable adjustments     to accommodate the needs of Students with disabilities or special     educational needs, ensuring they can fully participate in tutoring     sessions and access all available resources.
  • Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to     inform Spark Academy of any specific requirements or adjustments needed     for their child at the time of enrolment.

22.4 Anti-BullyingPolicy

  • Spark Academy has a zero-tolerance policy     towards bullying, harassment, and discrimination. Any incidents of     bullying or harassment shall be dealt with promptly and in accordance with     Spark Academy's disciplinary procedures.
  • Students and Parents are encouraged to report     any concerns about bullying or harassment to Spark Academy staff.

22.5 InclusiveCurriculum

  • Spark Academy strives to provide an inclusive     curriculum that reflects and values the diversity of its Students,     ensuring that all Students feel represented and included in the learning     process.

22.6 Staff Training andAwareness

  • Spark Academy shall provide regular training     and development opportunities for staff to enhance their understanding of     equality, diversity, and inclusion issues.
  • Staff are expected to model inclusive behaviour     and practices, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for all     Students.



22.7 Monitoring andEvaluation

  • Spark Academy shall regularly monitor and     evaluate its policies and practices to ensure they are effective in     promoting equality and inclusion.
  • Feedback from Students, Parents, and staff     shall be actively sought and used to inform improvements and ensure that     Spark Academy remains an inclusive and equitable learning environment.

22.8 Reporting andAddressing Issues

  • Any concerns or complaints regarding equality     and inclusion should be reported to Spark Academy in accordance with the     complaints procedure outlined in Section 14.
  • Spark Academy shall take all concerns seriously     and investigate them promptly, taking appropriate action to address any     issues and ensure compliance with its commitment to equality and     inclusion.

23. Termination ofAgreement

23.1 Termination by theParent

  • The Parent may terminate the agreement with     Spark Academy at any time, subject to providing written notice as     specified in Section 9 (General Cancellation Terms). The notice period     shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of the written notice by Spark     Academy.

23.2 Termination bySpark Academy

  • Spark Academy reserves the right to terminate     the agreement and cease providing tutoring services with immediate effect     in the following circumstances:some text
    • Non-payment of fees by the Parent, as outlined      in Section 7 (Charges for Overdue Fees).
    • Repeated breach of Centre Rules or policies by      the Student or Parent.
    • Behaviour by the Parent or Student that, in      the Director's considered opinion, is unreasonable and likely to      adversely affect the Student, other Students, staff, or the reputation of      Spark Academy.
    • Any other material breach of the terms and      conditions set forth in this agreement.

23.3 Effect ofTermination

  • Upon termination of the agreement, all     obligations between Spark Academy and the Parent shall cease, except for     any outstanding payment obligations or any other terms that expressly     survive termination.
  • The Parent shall remain liable for any fees due     up to the effective date of termination, and Spark Academy shall not be     obligated to refund any prepaid fees, except as provided in Section 10     (Refunds).

23.4 Return of Property

  • Upon termination of the agreement, the Student     shall return any property, materials, or equipment belonging to Spark     Academy in their possession. The Parent shall be liable for any costs     associated with the replacement of property not returned or returned in a     damaged condition.

23.5 Access toE-Learning Platform

  • Access to the Spark Academy e-learning platform     and any related resources shall be terminated upon the effective date of     termination of the agreement. The Parent and Student shall cease using any     login credentials and shall not attempt to access the platform thereafter.

23.6 Post-TerminationObligations

  • Any terms and conditions of this agreement that     by their nature should survive termination, including but not limited to     provisions regarding payment obligations, confidentiality, and liability,     shall continue to be effective following the termination of the agreement.

23.7 Dispute Resolution

  • In the event of any disputes arising out of or     in connection with the termination of the agreement, the parties shall endeavour     to resolve the matter amicably through informal negotiation and     discussion.
  • If a resolution cannot be reached through     negotiation, either party may seek mediation or other alternative dispute     resolution mechanisms in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


24. MiscellaneousProvisions

24.1 Amendments

  • Spark Academy reserves the right to amend these     terms and conditions from time to time. Any amendments shall be     communicated to Parents and legal guardians in writing or via email, and     shall become effective upon such communication. Continued use of Spark Academy's     services following any amendment constitutes acceptance of the amended     terms and conditions.

24.2 Governing Law andJurisdiction

  • This agreement and any disputes or claims     arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation     (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and     construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
  • The parties irrevocably agree that the courts     of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any     dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or     its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or     claims).

24.3 Severability

  • If any provision of these terms and conditions     is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by any court of     competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed modified to the     minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal, and enforceable. If such     modification is not possible, the relevant provision shall be deemed     deleted. Any modification or deletion of a provision under this clause     shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining     provisions.

24.4 Entire Agreement

  • This agreement constitutes the entire agreement     between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings,     and representations, whether written or oral, relating to its subject     matter. The Parent acknowledges that they have not relied on any     statement, promise, or representation made or given by or on behalf of     Spark Academy that is not set out in this agreement.

24.5 Waiver

  • No failure or delay by Spark Academy to     exercise any right or remedy provided under this agreement or by law shall     constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it     preclude or restrict Spark Academy's further exercise of that or any other     right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy     shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right     or remedy.

24.6 Third-Party Rights

  • A person who is not a party to this agreement     shall not have any rights to enforce any term of this agreement under the     Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

24.7 Notices

  • Any notice or other communication given to a     party under or in connection with this agreement shall be in writing and     shall be delivered by hand, sent by pre-paid first-class post or other     next working day delivery service, or sent by email to the address     specified in this agreement or otherwise notified to the parties in     writing.
  • Any notice or communication shall be deemed to     have been received: if delivered by hand, on signature of a delivery     receipt; if sent by pre-paid first-class post or other next working day     delivery service, at 9:00 am on the second business day after posting; or     if sent by email, at 9:00 am on the next business day after transmission.